cp 2012
18th International Conference on
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
To be held in Québec City, Canada from 8-12th October 2012

Call For Position Papers on the Future of Constraint Programming

Eighteenth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'12)

October 8-12, 2012
Québec City, Canada


Deadline for Submissions: 23:59, August 10, 2012 (Samoa Standard Time)

The CP conference is the annual international conference on constraint programming. It is concerned with all aspects of computing with constraints, including theory, algorithms, environments, languages, models, systems, and applications such as decision making, resource allocation, and agreement technologies.

We are looking for position papers on the future of constraint programming including, but not limited to, promising technical directions, methodologies, application areas, system development, integration with other technologies and research fields, and open issues on all aspects of constraint programming. We are particularly interested in papers discussing the potential long-term contributions, scope, and impact of constraint programming and the roles it can play in artificial intelligence, computer science, operations research, programming languages, and various application domains such as big data, health, power systems, smart cities, social networks, and sustainability.

A selection of the position papers will be presented as part of a panel at the conference, with the goal of expressing as many viewpoints as possible and stimulating lively discussions. The position papers will not be published in the proceedings but a special issue of Constraints will collect the best position papers (as viewpoint papers). The goal is to publish a special issue as influential as the 1996 ACM Computing Survey issue, which had a significant impact in the field.

Track chair

Pascal Van Hentenryck, NICTA, Australia
email: pvh@nicta.com.au

Organizing Committee

Submission Instructions

Submissions should be in LNCS format and should not to exceed 15 pages (not including references). The submission page is https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cp2012